The Kingdom of the Netherlands is located in the northwestern part of Europe and has an area of about 41,528 km². The administrative capital of the Netherlands is the Hague and the most populous city is Amsterdam. The governing form is the parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy. The Netherlands has been a member of the EU since January 1, 1958.
Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Albania and the Kingdom of the Netherlands were established on November 17, 1970. After the 90s, with the change of the political system in Albania, contacts with the Netherlands increased at all levels, in areas of mutual interest. The Embassy of the Republic of Albania in the Netherlands was opened on February 24, 1997.
Over the years, the Kingdom of the Netherlands has been present in Albania through assistance and various programs such as: the Matra Training Program for the Rule of Law (MRLTP) financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The Netherlands has supported the steps that Albania has taken during the reform process in recent years, as well as confirmed its stance on opening negotiations and holding the Conference of first Intergovernmental with the EU.
During the last years, political relations with the Netherlands have intensified significantly with exchange of visits at highest level.