Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

April 4, 2024 – From NATO’s headquarters in Brussels, during the official ceremony commemorating the Alliance’s 75th anniversary, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani emphasized that a strong Euro-Atlantic bond is essential for the peace and security of future generations.

“As a small nation, we deeply understand the power of unity. Strategic competition, armed aggression, and new threats, cyber and disinformation campaigns, all this demand adaptation. We are heartened by NATO’s growing focus on these areas, ensuring its continued relevance in safeguarding our shared future.,” Minister Hasani stated.

Reflecting on the Alliance’s role over the years, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs particularly highlighted its impact in the region.

“You preserve lives in our region, the lives of people from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, who were facing ethnic cleansing,” emphasized Minister Hasani.

Welcome speech of Minister Igli Hasani

Secretary General, allies,

Today, we celebrate two milestones that stand as testaments to the enduring power of unity and shared values.

First, we mark the 75th anniversary of our Alliance. Born from the ashes of World War II, NATO rose as a beacon of peace and stability, a shield for the allies’ collective security. It started with twelve nations, and Albania unfortunately was behind a double iron curtain, it was the North Korea of Europe and for three three-quarters of a century, you were the example on how to stand firm, deterring aggression and upholding the values we cherish: freedom and democracy, international law, and human dignity. You preserve the lives of people in my neighborhood, the lives of people from B-H and Kosovo, who were facing ethnic cleansing.

Secondly, we celebrate 15 years since Albania joined this historic Alliance. This pivotal moment fulfilled a core strategic objective for our nation. While we continue our pursuit of EU integration, Albania remains a dedicated contributor to NATO. Our troops stand shoulder-to-shoulder with allies in missions around the globe, a testament to our steadfast commitment.

The world we face today is constantly evolving. Strategic competition, armed aggression, and new threats, cyber and disinformation campaigns, all this demand adaptation. We are heartened by NATO’s growing focus on these areas, ensuring its continued relevance in safeguarding our shared future.

As a small nation, we deeply understand the power of unity.

A strong NATO, a strong Euro-Atlantic bond, is essential for future peace and security of generations to come.

Let us all recommit to NATO’s unwavering spirit and ensure its continued strength in the face of evolving threats.

Together, with strength and unity, we face the future with more confidence.

Thank You.