With the motto “To unite for a peaceful cooperation in the BSEC area”, Albania has successfully completed the presidency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation of the Black Sea countries.
The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, led the 48th virtual meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of BSEC member countries, where he presented all the achievements of the Albanian presidency.
Minister Hasani emphasized that Albania has made the best efforts to promote comprehensive cooperation between member countries to find common solutions and unanimously address a wide range of economic and political issues.
“During this mandate, we continued to promote BSEC-EU interaction. We have also encouraged BSEC member countries to continue working towards the goals set out in the BSEC Economic Agenda. We successfully appointed two staff members and completed the appointments of 6 country coordinators and the renewal of observer status for two organizations. Another achievement was the approval of the Action Plan for the period July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025 for Cooperation in Emergency Assistance,” said Albanian chief diplomat Hasani.
According to MEPJ Igli Hasani, Albania has successfully completed the activities foreseen in the calendar of events of the acting Presidency of BSEC.
“Albania’s acting chairmanship of BSEC made sure to promote good relations and overall cooperation among BSEC member states to enhance the organization’s role in the Black Sea area and beyond. The Black Sea countries have an enviable human and cultural potential to transform this area into a region of peace, stability and prosperity,” he said.
The 48th meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of BSEC was the closing meeting of the Albanian chairmanship of BSEC.
At the end of the meeting, the final document was approved and the Albanian side handed over the presidency to Armenia.