Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Denmark is in the northern part of Europe. Denmark lies southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and borders Germany to the south. It is also bordered by the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Denmark has an area of ​​about 42,924 km2. Its capital is Copenhagen.

The political system is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. Denmark has been a member of the EU since 1 January 1973.

Diplomatic relations between Albania and the Kingdom of Denmark were established on May 29, 1970. Albania covers relations with Denmark by its Embassy in Copenhagen, while Denmark has no resident diplomatic representation in Albania, but carries diplomatic coverage through its Permanent Mission to Vienna.

The political dialogue is a key instrument of the overall cooperation between the two countries and has a significant impact on the all-round progress of Albanian-Danish relations, especially regarding Albania’s European integration path. Denmark has supported the democratic reforms undertaken in Albania.

The Albanian diaspora in Denmark consists of two main groups: Albanians of North Macedonia, who migrated during 1971-1990 as economic migrants and Albanians who migrated from Kosovo after the war, in 1999. According to the official data of the Statistics Denmark institution, 761 Albanian citizens are registered.