Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Tunisia (Republique Tunisienne) gained independence from France in March 20, 1956.

The national holidays are the Day of Independence and the Day of Revolution and Youth in January 14 (2011).

The capital is Tunis.

The area is 163,610 km2, the population about 11.9 million inhabitants and the administrative division includes 24 governorates.

Parliament is unicameral: The Assembly of People’s Representatives. Following popular protests, a “government of national unity” was formed at the end of January 2011 and elections for the new Assembly were held in October of the same year. The Assembly began work on drafting a new constitution in February 2012, which was ratified in January 2014.

Foreign policy is based on a set of principles, which reflect the country’s commitment to peace and international law, with the aim of promoting understanding, tolerance and solidarity between states and peoples.

Tunisia is a member of the United Nations, the Arab League, the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Mediterranean Union, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), as well as specialized UN agencies, etc.

Bilateral relations Albania – Algeria


Diplomatic relations between Albania and Tunisia were established on October 8, 1973.

Both countries are covered by the respective Embassies in Athens.


Albania and Tunisia enjoy good relations. In recent decades there has been interest in conducting visits at various levels and reaching a number of important agreements, including political dialogue and economic cooperation, while third-party exchanges remain at very modest levels.

Both countries are interested in promoting cooperation in trade, energy, tourism, agriculture, culture, etc., and are in the process of a number of initiatives aimed at completing the legal and institutional framework and establishing direct contacts at various levels and between the actors involved.