Tirana, September 11, 2024 – The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, held a meeting with the United States Special Envoy for Afghan Women, Girls and the Human Rights Office for Global Women’s Issues, Rina Amiri.
Minister Hasani praised the work of the senior official for strengthening the role of women in society, as he emphasized that her visit to Albania shows the strength of the Albanian-American relationship and the Strategic Partnership between the two countries.
According to the Albanian chief diplomat, the support of Ms. Amir for oppressed women and girls in Afghanistan has influenced their lives, encouraging their resilience, sense of resistance and heroism in the face of the difficult situation they find themselves in.
MEPJ Igli Hasani assured the senior American official that gender equality and the empowerment of Albanian women and girls remain the main objective of the Albanian government.
We recall that as part of the Global Network of Partners for Feminist Foreign Policy, last year, Albania joined the partner countries in the joint statement, through which the international community was asked to continue focusing on the human rights of women and girls in Afghanistan , calling for accountability for systematic gender persecution by Afghan authorities.