Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was created in 1950, during the aftermath of the Second World War to help millions of Europeans who had fled or lost their homes. As humanitarian crises have become more and more complex, UNHCR has expanded both the number and type of organizations it works with. UNHCR is also committed to working closer with other agencies through the “Delivering as One” initiative, which aims at improving cooperative UN action in the areas of development, humanitarian assistance and the environment. Additionally, UNHCR embraced the so-called “cluster approach” to IDP (internally displaced people) emergencies, whereby different agencies take the lead in their area of expertise while working together to help those in need. UNHCR takes the lead for protection and shelter needs, and camp coordination and management.

In Albania UNHCR works closely with the Directorate for Asylum and Border and Migration Police to strengthen access to asylum and provision of safeguards during status determination procedures, particularly access to information and legal representation. Access to territory and asylum, issuance of documentation and the development of a national action plan on asylum in line with international and EU standards are the protection priorities of the office. UNHCR is maintaining an increased presence at the southern border, both directly and through partners, to enhance its border monitoring capacity, promote coordination of relevant actors at local and national levels and improve identification and referrals of persons with specific needs in the context of mixed arrivals of migrants and refugees.

Albania pledged in the first Global Forum of Refugees that was held in Geneva on 17 and 18 December 2019, as follows:

  • Issuing personal ID numbers and cards to refugees and asylum-seekers, facilitating effective access to rights and personal security.
  • Eliminating legal inconsistencies and administrative barriers preventing refugees and asylum-seekers from effectively accessing rights.
  • Ensuring that asylum procedures are fair and efficient, and strengthening the quality of asylum decision making.

The institution responsible for cooperation with the organization is the Ministry of Interior.