At the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, held in Washington, D.C., on September 30, 2024, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, highlighted Albania’s role and contributions to the Coali...•
Following an intensive week at the high-level segment of the United Nations in New York, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Igli Hasani, has traveled to Washington, where he will participate in the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Gl...•
Kryeministri Edi Rama, i cili ndodhet në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, iu adresua sot Sesionit të 79-të të Asamblesë së Përgjithshme të OKB.
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Ndërsa takohemi këtu sot përballemi me një tjetër vit krizash e konfliktesh komplekse...•
More than 30 countries, including Albania, have adopted the Joint Declaration of Support for the Recovery and Reconstruction of Ukraine.
At the ceremony attended by U.S. President Joe Biden, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and European Commi...•
New York, 27 September 2024 – During the high-level meetings held in the context of the United Nations General Assembly’s High-Level Week, Albania, as Chair of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and the Central European Initiativ...•
New York, September 25, 2024 – During the working breakfast organized by the Albanian Chairmanship with the member countries of the U.S.-Adriatic Charter (A-5), the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, emphasized that Albania remai...•
Java e Nivelit të Lartë të Asamblesë së Përgjithshme të OKB-së, 24 shtator 2024 – Në takimin anësor të bashkëorganizuar nga Shqipëria, për situatën në Sirinë verilindore, Ministri për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme, Igli Hasani, th...•
Today marks one year since the terrorist attack by the armed Serbian group in Banjskë, where Kosovo Police officer Afrim Bunjaku was killed.
Honoring the sacrifice of Afrim Bunjaku, Albania supports Kosovo in its efforts and achievements in establis...•