Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Albania and the OSCE

Albania became part of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE – at that time CSCE) during the proceedings of the Ministerial Council of Berlin (19-20 June 1991). The Helsinki Final Act was signed on 16 September 1991, by the...

Albania in UNESCO

Since its accession to the Organisation in October 16, 1958, Albania has proven its continuous commitment to UNESCO by upholding its values and principles, its strategic objectives through an active and engaged participation within the work of the or...

Albania and the Council of Europe

Albania became a member of the Council of Europe on July 13, 1995. Albania has functioned as a pluralistic parliamentary democracy since spring elections of 1991. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe sent for the first time observers t...

Albania an active contributor to UN

The United Nations Organization (UN) is the largest international/intergovernmental organization in the world, with the main purposes to maintain peace and security, develop relations among nations, foster cooperation between nations to solve economi...

Human Rights Council

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) replaced in 2006 the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (1946), which was the main intergovernmental body of the United Nations, responsible for human rights. The Human Rights Council, based in Geneva, is an i...

Conventions on human rights within the UN.

1. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, (acceded to in 1991). 2. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (acceding to law no. 7511 dated 08.08.1991). 3. Convention on the Rights of the Child (ratified by law no...

Protection of national minorities

The Council of Europe Framework Convention “On the Protection of National Minorities” was signed by the Republic of Albania on 29.06.1995, ratified by law no. 8496 dated 3.06.199 and entered into force on 01.01 2000. Universal Periodic Review Mec...

Shqipëria dhe ANEA/IAEA

Shqipëria ka qenë anëtare e Agjencisë Ndërkombëtare të Energjisë Atomike (ANEA/IAEA) që prej krijimit të saj në 29 korrik 1957. ANEA/IAEA përbëhet nga tre organizma kryesore: Bordi i Guvernatorëve, Konferenca e Përgjithshme dhe Sekreta...