Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs


The State Ceremonial of the Republic of Albania is the legal and organizational instrument through which the Albanian state exercises its protocol activity of duties, privileges and duties defined by the Constitution, international agreements that are mandatory to be implemented, laws and by-laws in power in the Republic of Albania as well as international good deeds.

The protocol consists of the set of written and unwritten norms that determine state and diplomatic priorities, the rules of written, verbal and material exchanges between the internal administration and between states, the system of honors and decorations, privileges and immunities, conditions of international negotiations and the rational and aesthetic escalation of public ceremonies related to high civil and military functions.


The State Protocol, a structure subordinate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, is the guarantor and responsible for the implementation of the State Ceremonial. The State Protocol has several important functions, which are performed directly by this structure, or under its coordination with other protocol offices at central and local institutions that organize protocol activities within this ceremonial.

The State Protocol has as mission:

  • Coordinating and implementing official visit programs of foreign delegations of the highest state level;
  • Establishing communication and supervising the realization of diplomatic privileges and immunities for diplomatic missions, consular posts, international organizations with diplomatic status accredited in the Republic of Albania, in accordance with the legal framework, the principle of reciprocity and international norms.
  • >

Note: The Ceremonial Sector coordinates and implements the program of official visits of foreign delegations of the highest state level, headed by presidents of states, heads of government or ministers of foreign affairs.


The State Protocol defines, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963, the formalities that are respected for the arrival and departure from Albania of diplomatic officials, the particularities of their status, immunities and privileges of the diplomatic corps.

Accreditation of the head of the diplomatic mission

The consent request is sent to the Directorate of State Protocol with a verbal note accompanied by the biography of the head of the mission, through the diplomatic representation of the sending state accredited in the Republic of Albania.

Note: Biography must be in English and contain information and elements such as name/surname, date of birth, place of birth, photo .

After the evaluation by the relevant structures of the Albanian state, the State Protocol notifies with a verbal note the diplomatic representation of the requesting party on the granting of the agreement. As a rule, the time limit for granting consent is based on the principle of reciprocity.

Arrival of the new chief of mission and presentation of credentials

  • The relevant diplomatic representation, with a verbal note, announces the State Protocol on the details of the arrival in Albania of the new head of the mission.
  • The new head of the mission is welcomed in the VIP hall of the “Mother Teresa” airport by the official of the State Protocol, who communicates the date of the meeting with the director of the State Protocol, for the delivery of copies of credentials and the letter of invitation the ancestors. The procedure of the ceremony of presenting credentials to the President of the Republic is handed over and explained to him during this meeting.
  • From this moment on, he is considered an appointed ambassador and can continue his duties, but he does not have the right to meet the leaders of central and local institutions. The new head of mission is formally recommended to avoid any kind of public pronouncement in the media before presenting his credentials.
  • The ceremony of handing over credentials to the President of the Republic, as a rule, takes place in groups of no less than three ambassadors at once. The groups are formed both with ambassadors who are residents, and with ambassadors who are not residents in Tirana. The time for submission of credentials by the heads of missions that make up the group, as a rule, should not last more than two months from the date of submission of the request of the member of the group who submitted the copies of the letters first. The time of arrival in Tirana is taken as the queue for the delivery of credentials.
  • After presenting the credentials, the State Protocol informs the new head of mission about the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs or an official delegated by him. Meetings with other central and local officials take place after the courtesy meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • The State Protocol, based on the request of the new head of mission, helps in the realization of courtesy meetings with the President of the Assembly and the Prime Minister on the occasion of the start of the task. These meetings are considered completed if the head of the mission is received by an official authorized by each high-ranking person.
  • The end of the duty of the head of the mission is announced by a verbal note from the relevant mission addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • The mission notifies the State Protocol with a note about the details of the mission chief’s departure. On the day of departure, the head of mission is escorted to the airport by the State Protocol official. The VIP lounge of the airport is made available to him.

The beginning of the duty of the diplomat, military attaché, consul and functionary of international organizations

The beginning of the duty of the diplomat, consul, functionary of international organizations is announced by the relevant mission with a verbal note addressed to the Directorate of State Protocol, in which it is noted in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963.

The accreditation of the military attache follows the same procedure in terms of the approval request, while consultations are made with the relevant structures of the Ministry of Defense.

International organizations that enjoy diplomatic status in the Republic of Albania must make their first category officials known in the same way as diplomatic missions, completing the same procedures.

Opening of a new diplomatic representation

In accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, the representative of the sending state submits the verbal note for the opening of the representation to the Protocol of the State.

Participation of the diplomatic body accredited in Albania in official ceremonies

The diplomatic corps is invited or welcomed to participate in the following main official ceremonies:

  • Opening of the Assembly session;
  • The session of the Assembly, where the Prime Minister presents the government’s program or even in special sessions, such as those on the government’s vote of confidence or when topics related to Albania’s cooperation with the relevant country/organization are discussed;
  • The session of the Assembly, where the vote for the election of the President of the Republic takes place;
  • The ceremony that takes place on the occasion of the change of presidents;
  • Day of the Martyrs;
  • Independence Day;
  • Reception on the occasion of the National Holiday;
  • Military parade;
  • Reception on the occasion of the New Year;
  • In the annual activities planned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • At state funerals and official funerals.

Diplomatic immunity

Based on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963, the State Protocol respects the diplomatic immunity of the diplomatic corps accredited in our country.

Immunity varies depending on the status of the diplomatic employee. Full immunity is enjoyed only by holders of diplomatic residence cards. For those who are Albanian citizens or have dual citizenship, foreign and Albanian, or who have a permanent residence permit, the immunity extends only in the field of exercising the specific task assigned to them, but not in all the activity and other aspects of work and their lives.

For any specific issue that a certain representation or by a diplomat that should be handled by the central or local state administration bodies of the Albanian state is notified in writing to the Directorate of State Protocol in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Using the VIP lounge at Mother Teresa Airport

Based on the RSH Ceremonial, the use of the VIP hall is governed by the State Protocol.

The request for the use of the VIP lounge is made in the form of a letter/verbal note and addressed to the State Protocol for approval, at least 48 hours before the trip< /strong>. Exceptions to the above rule are judged on a case-by-case basis.

The VIP lounge of the “Mother Teresa” Airport is formed by 3 environments, the use of which is differentiated and offered to the local authorities listed below and their foreign counterparts.

In the case of Ambassadors, resident and non-resident, accredited in the Republic of Albania, the VIP room is used only during reception, at the beginning of the mandate and when leaving, at the end of the mandate, as well as when they accompany the high authorities on official visits to RSH/or transit.

  • Heads of State (President of the Republic, King, Crown Prince)
  • Heads of Government
  • Presidents of Parliament
  • President of the Constitutional Court
  • Members of the Council of Ministers
  • Former President of the Republic
  • Former Speaker of the Assembly
  • Former Prime Minister
  • The leader of the largest opposition party
  • Deputies
  • Mayor of Tirana
  • President of the Supreme Court
  • Chairman of KLSH
  • General Prosecutor
  • Governor of the Bank of Albania
  • Chief of the General Staff of the Army
  • People’s Advocate
  • Chairman of SHISH
  • Heads of the clergy
  • General Secretary of the Presidency, Assembly, Council of Ministers
  • General rank for head of delegation on official visit
  • Their foreign counterparts
  • Members of the Constitutional Court;
  • Chairman of the Special Appeal Board;
  • High Inspector of Justice;
  • Chairman of the High Judicial Council;
  • Director of the Special Prosecution;
  • Chairman of the High Prosecution Council;
  • Chairman of the Judicial Appointments Council;
  • Chairman of the Special Court;
  • Chairman of the Independent Qualification Commission;
  • Public commissioners;
  • Director of the School of Magistracy;
  • Director of the National Bureau of Investigation;
  • Vice President and judges of the Special Court against Corruption and Organized Crime;
  • Deputy head and prosecutors of the Special Prosecution against Corruption and Organized Crime;
  • Heads of diplomatic missions of the Republic of Albania

In the VIP hall of the Airport there is also a press conference room, where the President, the Speaker of the Assembly, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and their counterparts can address journalists. This environment is the only one dedicated to conferences and interviews or special meetings with the media.

Note: For all visits of official delegations, the State Protocol enables the provision of VIP service free of charge.

Note: “Mother Teresa” Airport also offers a second/privileged service against payment for all categories, which are not provided for in the RSH State Ceremonial -‘s.

More information can be found on the airport website:


Identity Card

Diplomatic Identity Card (in green color): resident and non-resident diplomatic agents in Albania, their spouses and children, holders of diplomatic passports, who accompany the diplomat are provided and they are not Albanian citizens.

Diplomatic Letter(in pink color): members of missions of international organizations holding special passports (Laissez-Passer), who are not Albanian citizens, are provided.


Service Notification (in yellow color): holders of service passports, including their family members, who are not Albanian citizens, are provided.

Honorary consuls are provided with a blue identity card, regardless of their nationality.

Required documentation:

  • Verbal note from the diplomatic mission
  • ID-2018 form with photo, completed, signed and stamped by the head of the representative office
  • Copy of valid official passport
  • Copy of accreditation visa (if necessary)

Each member of the family (spouse and children up to 18 years old) follows the same practice with the accredited primary. Children aged 18-23 can be provided with a card if they attend full-time studies in Albania (certification from the relevant educational institution).

New/additional posts are notified in advance at the State Protocol Directorate with a verbal note.

Letters are valid for 2 years, but their maximum validity period will in any case depend on the validity period of the passport.

In case of loss, it is necessary to report it to the police station. For card re-equipment, the same practice as for renewal is followed.

At the end of the stay in Albania, the identity cards must be returned to the Directorate of State Protocol with a verbal note or at the time of receiving the card of their successor.

Equipment of vehicles with green CD and TR license plates

The number of vehicles, imported or purchased locally, by diplomatic missions for official use must be reasonable and in accordance with the size and needs of the mission.

Members of diplomatic/consular missions, holders of diplomatic passports, can import or purchase in Albania a vehicle for personal use, free of customs duties, VAT and other taxes, which is equipped with CD license plates. In cases where they are accompanied by their spouse, also holders of a diplomatic passport, they have the right to equip a second vehicle with CD plates.

Vehicles in official or personal use can be sold without customs duties, without VAT and other taxes, after a minimum period of 2 years from the last importation or sale without taxes.

Members of diplomatic missions, holders of service passports, can import or buy a vehicle in the country without customs duties, without VAT and other taxes within the first 6 months of starting their duties in our country. The vehicle is equipped with TR (green) license plates.

Members of diplomatic missions, holders of diplomatic passports, can import on their behalf or purchase locally a motorcycle for personal use without customs duties, VAT and other taxes.

Honorary consuls may import or purchase in the country a vehicle free of customs duties, free of VAT and other taxes, exclusively for official purposes, which is equipped with ordinary national number plates and an oval distinctive mark on the right of license plate, with HCC symbols.

The request for equipment with a CD or TR (green) license plate is made after the equipment with the corresponding ID card from the State Protocol.

A vehicle imported tax-free from the embassies can be transferred between accredited diplomatic missions in Albania, between diplomatic or administrative agents, or re-exported without customs duties and other taxes. This procedure is done after notification of the State Protocol and deregistration in DPSHTRR.

The vehicle imported for the first time is first presented for the performance of customs actions, a document that is needed for the registration of the vehicle’s entry into Albania and for the certification of the date of importation.

Required documentation for vehicle equipment with green CD and TR plates:

  • Verbal Note, specifying the purpose of using the official/personal vehicle, vehicle data: brand and type, chassis number, color.
  • Customs clearance document
  • Identifying tool pointers
  • Certificate of Conformity
  • Photocopy of ID (when the vehicle is for personal use)

In cases of sale and purchase of the vehicle, in addition to the above documents, you also need:

  • Photocopy of the sales contract
  • Photocopy of circulation permit
  • Photocopy of the identity card of the persons who made the purchase (when the vehicle is for personal use)

CD, TR (green) and HCC plates are non-transferable if the vehicle is sold or changes ownership.

The license plates of the first vehicle are not transferable to the new vehicle.

The number of license plates will be progressive, with the exception of the ambassador or representative of the organization, who holds no. 001.

When the diplomatic agents finally leave Albania and take the vehicle with them, they must hand over the CD, TR (green) license plates, as well as the traffic permits to the DPSHTRR, while a copy of the deregistration certificate must be handed over with a verbal note next to the State Protocol.

Honorary Consuls must return the HCC insignia to the State Protocol with a verbal note accompanied by a photocopy of the deregistration document, issued by DPSHTRR.

Return of VAT

The return of VAT for the accredited representative offices in the Republic of Albania is done on the basis of the legislation in force.

Acceptance of documentation is done every three months, respectively in the months: January, April, July, October. Tax invoices issued on behalf of the mission or diplomats are forwarded to the State Protocol Directorate in original and two copies, accompanied by an application form, as well as a summary table.

Limits for each representation apply on a reciprocal basis.

Domestic service workers

Members of diplomatic missions may bring domestic service workers from their country of origin or a third country. The provision of an entry visa and their residence status is determined on the basis of reciprocity.

Every domestic service employee, Albanian or foreign, of the diplomatic/consular staff is notified to the State Protocol. Domestic service workers with foreign citizenship are provided with an orange identity card.

Employment of family members of diplomats

Members of diplomats’ families, able to work, are allowed to be employed based on bilateral agreements and the principle of reciprocity.

The work permit is granted according to the applicable legislation.

Weapons and their possession

The permission to keep and use weapons is done on the basis of reciprocity or by agreement.

For the equipment with shotguns and their use, a verbal note is sent to the State Protocol.

The verbal grade must contain:

  • Name of representative member
  • Photocopy of the ID issued by the Privileges and Immunities Sector
  • Brand and number of the weapon owned

For the licensed device, actions are taken in accordance with the legislation in force.

When the diplomatic representative is accompanied by bodyguards equipped with weapons, in addition to his personal data, the data of the weapon must be sent with a verbal note.

Keeping pets

Members of diplomatic missions can bring to Albania living beings of any kind accompanied by documentation that proves that they have been vaccinated and enjoy full health. Allowing them to pass is subject to the rules and legal restrictions in force.

Vaccination rules:

  • Dogs and cats must be vaccinated at least 30 days before entering Albania. Their little ones under 3 months are registered and vaccinated in Albania.
  • All past diseases must be reflected in the animal’s veterinary certificate. If the vaccination was done in less than 30 days, the animal must be kept isolated until the appropriate time.

It is forbidden to enter and keep in Albania rare creatures protected by national and international laws.

Post and diplomatic baggage

The exchange of the diplomatic suitcase takes place in the transit area of ​​the “Mother Teresa” International Airport, where the diplomatic agent equipped with the special ID card meets the person bringing the diplomatic suitcase.

The device with the entry slip for the withdrawal of the suitcase or diplomatic mail is made through a verbal note addressed to the State Protocol.


Each diplomatic mission can open in its headquarters, without requesting a special permit, a voting center for the elections taking place in the respective country. For the opening of voting centers in another facility, public or private, the State Protocol Directorate must be officially informed, so that the relevant security measures can be taken. In this case, the official announcement must be made no less than one month before the voting date.