At the meeting of the UN General Assembly which was held on June 11, 2021, Albania was elected a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the period 2022-2023. The Eastern European group in which our country was a part had a place as a non-permanent member of the Security Council. Thanks to the successful multi-year lobbying and the intensive campaign carried out by all structures of the Foreign Service, Albania appeared in the elections as a consensual candidate of the relevant Group, which means that we were the only candidate and the choice was certain.
The fundamental component of Albania’s campaign for this task has been emphasizing the reliability and constructiveness of our country’s foreign policy, both bilaterally and multilaterally, including within of UN missions, in the service of peace, security and development at the regional and global level. Our long-term contributions have made Albania deserve decision-making tasks at the global level.
The election to the Security Council for the first time after 65 years of being a member of the UN represented a major challenge, but also a great opportunity already realized that will probably take decades repeats.
What does non-permanent member mean?
The Security Council consists of fifteen members, five of which (the United States, France, the United Kingdom, China and Russia) are permanent members of the Council. The permanent members also enjoy the right of veto, which means that they can block any decision that contradicts those lines of their foreign policy that are considered non-negotiable by these countries.
The other ten are non-permanent members of the Security Council, whose mandate is two years. In order to ensure periodic renewal of the membership without affecting the continuity and stability of the work of this important body, five new non-permanent members are elected every year to replace the previous five who complete two years of service in the Council.
In principle, the fifteen members of the Council represent as balanced as possible the entire membership of the United Nations Organization, according to continents and geostrategic regions. There are a total of five regional groups, among which is the Eastern European Group with 23 members (which also includes Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council). Our group had a non-permanent member slot reserved. Albania’s mandate as a consensual candidacy of this group begins on January 1, 2022, replacing the current representative of this same group, Estonia.